
It's a cinch



4 Years
01-05-2021, 12:23 PM

I can hear my heart is whispering

She didn’t even know how long had passed since she had fled her birth lands, or how far she had managed to get. All Amondi knew was winter had come upon her suddenly, taking her by surprise and she was alone, so very alone. Amondi had been alone before she supposed, but never longer than a day at most, if that. The loneliness she felt was  suffocating almost like being stuck deep within a cave with no visible exit, nothing but darkness.

It certainly didn’t help that in an attempt to escape from the thick falling snow she had fled into woods that had seemed unthreatening from the outside. Now as Amondi carefully picked her way through the dense underbrush, she thought that she might have been better off in the snow. The fog hung almost perfectly still, as if the cold air had frozen the moisture solid making the world completely silent, sucking every sound into the crystals. It swirled around the woman as she moved, clung to her chocolate coloured pelt, before settling back into place effectively erasing any sign she had passed.

Could you go fog blind? She had heard of snow blindness, could fog cause the same thing? Amondi could still see, but it was like everything was the same, the same fog, the same trees, the same undergrowth. She was going to go crazy, she just knew it.

The howl cut through the silence like a hot knife through butter. Every part of the woman’s body froze in pure shock, fear sending frozen water shivers down her spine. It took almost a full minute for Amondi to recognize that this wasn’t someone she knew hunting her down, it was the haunting song of loneliness of a complete stranger. She wanted to call back, match the tone, but it was too risky. Instead she changed course and head towards the direction the call had come from.

Amondi had almost given up on finding the caller, she had been walking for some time without another sound and no sign she was going the right way. Fog blind. Fog blind. Fog blind. The thought nagged at her, had she already lost her mind and just imagined the howl as something that she had wanted to hear? Then a figure of a silhouette appeared between the trees, the closer she got the more he came into view.


Baby, are you listening?