
I will write you a song [Song Babies]


09-11-2013, 09:58 PM

Cherokee tried to keep his composure as he watched Song scold the creeping Dhiren, the adventurous little man having gone off to explore for a little bit, sending his wife into a panic. He had to admit, he too had been worried but having gone across these lands so much, he knew that they were safe and besides, they weren't at the stage where they liked to wander away from the den that often. The children so far preferred to stay around each other for the most part and the ebony man would enjoy it for as long as it lasted because as he knew that as soon as they started getting older, they would want to start going their own separate ways.

A little voice in front of him caught his attention, mismatched gems flickering down the to the ivory figure of his daughter Novel, her tiny tongue reaching out as she attempted to kiss his chin. Hello my little darling. He cooed softly, allowing the young babe to lick his chin, a huge grin splitting his dark lips as his own tongue ran softly across her tiny head and ears lovingly. His attention was again diverted to Dhiren, a chuckle rumbled in his chest as the boy completely ignored the fact that he'd nearly scared Song half to death, very proud of himself for having gotten Aria's attention and a hello from her. Rabbits, ey? Good thing to start the children with, but tricky to catch. He spared a glance back at his catches that Laktoa was investigating, nodding in agreement. You can say that again. He would notice one of his darker colored daughters, Fal'Dara wander off by herself and plop down on the ground by herself. A frown would crease Cherokee's brows as he bumped novel and pushed her towards her siblings before moving towards his other daughter, nudging the little black furball with a gentle kiss to her cheek. Is there something wrong my little one?

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