
Fishing Trip



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-05-2021, 02:58 PM
Thr shape of Hana blurred into his vision, and then there was a tug against his cost. Reluctantly, he helped her drag his dead weight to the surface. Kicking along, and dragging in a great lung full of air as he rose. He was a touchy-feely wolf. He hugged, he invaded personal space, he kissed cheeks. A kiss on the lips was something different. It MEANT something different. As he dragged in breath, his friend made hurried apologies and he shook his head, shamefaced.

It took a lot of willpower to make himself look at her. Sweet Hana, sith her pale eyes and black-orange flecked face. He looked at her, and he pondered. What did the kiss mean? What did he want jt to mean? He wanted to be her friend forever. If Azure caught wind of this, he would take her away from him. He knew he would. "Hana... I.... " he took a deep breath. Treading water for a moment, before nudging her with a wind, directing them both back to land. He was getting exhausted treading water to no end. He needed his breath to find his words.

Once they hit land, he stepped onto the sand and looked at her. "DidYouKissMeBecauseYouWantToBeTheZeeToMySirius?" It all came out in one big explosion of breath. He shuffled his feet, not knowing what he wanted her answer to be. Would he fight Azure for her? If she wanted give, would he turn against the brother whos support he had always wanted in life?