
polar plunge



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-05-2021, 04:48 PM
"Its a date." Holyohmywhat how did thay come out of his mouth? He turned crimson right to his roots. He didn't mean it how it sounded, it wasn't... Kaiyo was a boy, and here he was getting his paws in a twist. In fact, and ice bath sounded really good right about now. The countdown ended with the sound of Kaiyos voice, and Mortis was jumping, leaping into the water before the word 'three' was dully finished.

His splash likely got his white-coated friend, who had NOT jumped into the water like Mortis has expected. Oops. A striking difference between the two of them, as Hikaru took the plunge with careful precision. Mortis stood up, his height taller then this portion of the stream, and fought the urge to shake himself. No doubt Hikaru wouldn't appreciate it. "Brrr!" He said. It was brisk enough to make him forget his embarrassment.

His poor friend was taking the ice bath far worse then Mortis. Perhaps the fires coat offered better insulation, and the added bonus of wings helped keep his sides warm. He grabbed the soaps and got to work, scrubbing soft but fast, the taste of bubbles in his mouth. First his friends left back leg, then his right. He ran the soap over the white tail, to its black ends. He got his friends back, letting him concentrate in his front parts. Mortis forgot about his own dirt, it was secondary to Hikarus discomfort.

He nudged his friend out of the water, and grabbed the first coat in his teeth, tossing it over thr other man. He grabbed the second coat, and added the second layer to him. He stepped back, shaking out his coat vicariously, before leaning hard against the other man, holding a wing over the shorter wolf. "Leta get you to the fire" maybe a winter bath hadnt been his brightest idea. Baths would be had only at Resins over winter. He wasnt going to have Hikaru catching a cold.