
let it snow

Caed, seasonal prompt



2 Years
01-05-2021, 07:11 PM
It took no time at all for the two wolves to return to Quinn, although not to the sight Caedmon expected. He watched as his brother tumbled from a snowy ledge to land at their paws. Russet ears flicked forward as a mildly concerned look crossed his face. The fall was not high enough to worry about any broken bones what with the snow padding on the ground, but he did wish for Quinn to be a least a little bit more careful. Caedmon hummed softly at his brother's question. It would be getting dark soon, but they did have enough time to try and track the creature down. And he was starting to get hungry, too. A meal would make sleeping through the night a little easier.
He nodded curtly at Eirnan's words. She was right. Not only was travelling at night dangerous, but travelling at night while a snowstorm was raging was even worse. That was just a recipe for disaster. "East sounds good to me." He glanced eastward with a hopeful expression. Surely the snow would ease up shortly; he did not know how much more of this snow he could take. But first: food. His stomach rumbled softly in agreement. While none of them were experts at hunting, they had enough knowledge between the three of them to track something down and hunt it, although he did not have much experience hunting in snowy conditions. Caedmon looked back at his brother with a determined look. "I could use something to eat," he said with a motion of his head for Quinn to lead them to the tracks he had found. The sooner they started tracking it down, the sooner they could eat.
Caedmon Kearney -Quinn and Eirnan may join any threads Caedmon is in even if they are marked private as they are travelling together in a group
[Image: EKL1BiU.png]