
Angel like you




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
01-05-2021, 07:57 PM
Elise had a difficult time focusing on the food in front of them, no matter how delicious it was. It could have been the most spectacular meal in the world, but it still paled in comparison to how much she wanted Iroh. Even still, she finished her food since she did bother to finish preparing it and she was quite enjoying this steadily building, static tension and desire that having to wait to enjoy each other was causing. The whole time they ate she occasionally stole a glance toward him, letting her tail brush against his hip or shifting a bit to rub her shoulder against his. She knew she was being an awful tease, but this was what she loved - the game of it all that made everything that much more fun. Sure, she liked being with him just for the pure fact that she got to express how much he meant to her and how much she loved him, but the thing that had gotten her so infatuated with the affection and attention that she got from being intimate with others was the game of pulling them in and tempting them with a skill that she hadn't really been able to figure out in any other part of her life.

As soon as she finished up the last few bites of her meal, she lifted her sapphire eyes to his and smirked at his question over the "dessert" that came next. A quiet, pleasured hum left her when his teeth found her skin, her head tipping to the side to give him full access to her cheek and neck while a grin with a flash of teeth pulled at her lips. He wasted no time and she was grateful for it. Tipping her muzzle up to his ear, she left a lick there and replied, "I've never wanted anything more." With a chuckle she rolled onto her back beside him, tucking her front paws against her chest and peering up at him with an expectant grin. He had been so good about playing her game and being patient while she had her fun and now he got his reward. She stretched out for him and gave him full access to every inch of herself to enjoy however he wanted. "You take as many servings of dessert as you want... No need for moderation tonight," she reminded him with mischievous amusement still shining in her eyes. They were living the absolute hight of young love in this moment and she was thriving in every moment of it.


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