
let it snow

Caed, seasonal prompt

Quinn I


2 Years
01-05-2021, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2021, 01:10 PM by Quinn I.)
(Thoughts Speech)

As Eirnan asked if he was alright, the tawny male stood up on the now-packed snow beneath his paws, chuckled and nodded before he nuzzled her, a wordless assurance that he was okay, and that she need not worry. After he asked his question, he stood patiently, the wind whirling through his long fur, as he listened to his brother and mate give their replies. "Great, I think it's a sheep of some kind, but I couldn't tell by the smell, however, I'm almost certain it's injured, I smelled fear on the trail."

He then perked his ears and sat down on the cold ground, his fur guarding him from the chilled surface, as the tawny woman explained what she felt the best course of action for travel was, and smiled at the comment about warmer weather making her happier. He gave it all a moment of thought. "Chances are, the sheep will also be looking for shelter, trying to hide from the storm, perhaps the hunt will yield more than just food?" He nodded and agreed with her, leaving his thoughts out of it, lest he get their hopes up and have them be disappointed later, the plan seemed solid in his mind, but he didn't have anything else to add to it.

He turned to his brother who motioned for him to lead the way, and with a nod and a curt "Follow me." he turned and climbed up the snowy hill to his side, his paws crunching into the first half-inch of yesterday's powder with a satisfying sound, going back the way he came, and gently stepped down from it, grunting as he arrived on the other side. He looked ahead, around the corner and saw the tracks again, still clear and visible, the snow hadn't covered them up yet. "Good." He thought, his mouth watering as he caught the strong musk again, and his eyes began to widen with every second. The hunt was setting in to his mind and body, making him ready for the chase.

He then turned around to eagerly watch for his mate and brother to come over the mound, excitement to hunt and feast with his family welling inside him.
Quinn Kearney

(Eirnan and Caedmon may join in on any thread that Quinn is in, since they are traveling in a group.)