
Life isn't always what you think it'd be



2 Years
01-05-2021, 08:47 PM
Now that Quinn was no longer in immediate danger the russet male let himself relax with a big exhale, ears finally lifting up from his skull. He could still feel his heart beating in his chest, but the fear lancing through his body was slowly disappearing with each passing moment. "We can only hope," he said in response to Eirnan's comment about finding water in the south. While not completely parched, he could feel a dryness in his mouth particularly as he spoke. Finding something to drink was definitely high up on his list of things to do, along with escaping from the snowy landscape they had found themselves in.
Caedmon rumbled softly at his brothers apology, eyes closing momentarily as their muzzles and cheeks rubbed together. He had no idea what he would do if anything happened to Quinn: it was unimaginable even thinking about a world that he was not in, and he assumed Eirnan felt the same as he did but even more strongly considering they were mates. His mouth opened to tell Quinn to stop, but his brother had already started walking around the lake before he could get any words out, and so instead scurried forward to stay by his side just in case the ice cracked and crumbled again.
The russet male could hear a soft trickle of water, and his ears pricked up at the sound. If there was water here then they had no need to travel south in search of some. A huff escaped from his lips when Quinn spat the water out and said it was brackish, lips curling downwards in a frown. Of course it was undrinkable, that was just their luck. It seemed they would be heading south after all. Caedmon stepped back from the lake and turned to Eirnan, swishing his tail behind him in slight annoyance. "We should start now before it starts getting dark," he said with a soft sigh. Hopefully they could reach it before night actually fell.
Caedmon Kearney -Quinn and Eirnan may join any threads Caedmon is in even if they are marked private as they are travelling together in a group
[Image: EKL1BiU.png]