
Who could ask you to be unbroken




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-05-2021, 08:48 PM

His armor and flail were for once stowed away in his den and he moved though the pale trees around the Alabastrine Shrine with less motivation or focus than he typically carried. There was no patrol to attend to and his training was at least briefly put on pause. He very rarely let himself not be working on something, but today had a different sort of task in mind. He knew that settling back into the pack and finding his place took more than just making himself useful and bolstering his own skills. He was slowly beginning to accept that just being confident and skilled were only helpful in battle. There was a time and place for those things and that was certainly where he felt his most comfortable, but there had to be more. He needed there to be more.

If it wasn't for the emerald of his eyes and the irregular splashes of black and brown that marred his pale coat, he felt confident that he could blend into the unusual forest like a ghost. The light bark of the trees and the light coating of snow that covered the ground cast the world in an odd silence and a blankness that left too much room for his mind to wander. He was very aware that he was currently living with the consequences of his own actions, his decision to hide himself away to better himself. At the time it felt as if he was preparing himself to rise to the occasion of his family and their needs. Now it felt like that had been the tipping point and the choice that had severed the closeness he once felt with them.

But how much of that was reality and how much was just his own paranoid perception? That's what he wanted to know. When he left his den that morning he hadn't been sure who he wanted to seek out, but when Toxicity's scent pulled his attention he had his answer. With a flick of his ears he shifted his path to follow the trail that would bring him to his sister. She was easy to spot, feeling like a dark beacon among the light background of the world around her. The crunch of his paws through the snow was sure to give him away well before he actually reached her, but he also wasn't trying to be subtle in his approach. "Toxicity," he rumbled with a simple greeting, his emerald gaze lifting to hers.
