
One weaf two weaf



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
01-05-2021, 09:15 PM
A shy grin pulled at her features when he accepted and her tail wagged behind her in response. Of course she was very aware that he didn't have a real interest in learning this stuff like she did, she still appreciated that he was willing to spend a bit of time with her in the only way she knew how. Her mint and lavender eyes flicked to the wooden sword that he pretty much always had with him, but didn't give it too much attention. She never liked being around her siblings when they were fighting and training, but she also knew that it was something that they really liked so she mostly just kept her opinion to herself. The idea of them getting hurt without purpose didn't sit well with her though she did try her best to understand the logic of being ready for whatever may come.

Once he was settled next to her she watched him look at the plants without much recognition in his eyes - not that she had really expected him to. However, he was at least able to point out the pieces of horsetail that were laid out among the other herbs and she grinned with a nod. That was one of the ones that was easier to come by around here since there were so many bodies of water around. "That's horsetail. It's kind of sticky on the inside and to use it you have to chew it up or grind it with a rock to make a paste. Then you can use it to keep cuts closed!" Her expression lit up more as she talked about the plant, smiling as she explained its uses since it was something she was actually confident in. "Apparently you can eat it too and it'll help if there's any issues related to your kidneys or bladder and it can help keep claws strong and healthy!" She mainly just thought of it as something to keep wounds closed, but she tried to remember even the more obscure uses for herbs too just in case it ever came up.

Looking back at the herbs in front of them, she pointed out a different one with a light gray dipped paw. "This soft one is called a lamb's ear. If you use it with the horsetail you can make a bandage to cover up smaller wounds. It's fuzzy, see?" Pulling it closer to them, she passed the leaf over to him so he could feel it too. "It'll help keep the cuts from getting all dirty while they're healing. And if you crush it up it up and put it on there before you cover it up with a bandage then it can keep the cut from getting too irritated... but I think some dandelion root would be better cause dandelions are way easier to find than lambs ear so why would you waste lambs ear leaves on that?"

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