
Lonely Star



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
01-05-2021, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2021, 09:28 PM by Kiela.)
The constant fight for survival was something Kiela was painfully familiar with. She'd never really known a life of leisure; even the briefest moments spent doing nothing in particular were few and far between, and even when she appeared idle she was very rarely doing nothing at all. Even now she wasn't just sitting here, but instead she was studying the herd in the far distance, getting to know the reindeer as best as she could from this distance in the dim night. A few stood, pacing restlessly near the edge of the group while the majority had settled down, seemingly at ease enough to rest for now. She knew they would not rest here for long, and part of her hoped she might get a few minutes of sleep in as well, though she didn't want to stray much father from the herd than she was now.

It was a beautiful night for anything though and Kiela wouldn't mind missing a bit of sleep to enjoy the splendor of it. Even with the trees stretching on seemingly endlessly above, she could see the hints of stars sparkling between their gnarled branches. The night sky was crisp and clear, without hint of the sort of clouds that suggested precipitation in the near future. This suggested a good forecast for the herd to make some good distance in the coming days and Kiela was prepared to follow them.

The presence of a stranger didn't go unnoticed, even if it took a moment for Kiela to break her concentration. The reindeer had not noticed her from this distance and she knew conversation alone wouldn't alert them to her presence. It would take time to build trust with the herd and teach them that her presence was not something to be feared. Tilting her head as she slowly turned around to encounter a significantly smaller woman, not far off from her own age judging by first appearances, Kiela nodded in answer to her question. "Yes, a perfect night," she responded quietly. Her voice was laden with a thick accent and her voice slightly hoarse from lack of use. She cleared her throat to continue speaking

Kiela wasn't really one for showing her emotions outwardly, but the stranger's words earned a smile - small, barely present at all, but a smile nonetheless. "Mine did, too. The stars, they tell a story much bigger than.. we," Kiela mused, her slightly disjointed grasp of this continent's native tongue showing as she began to speak. Though she was somewhat self-conscious of her speaking abilities she was learning that she had to speak to get any better at communication. It was the first time anyone she'd met here had seemed so interested in such things and Kiela had to admit her interest was piqued. "They are so beautiful here. Even more where there are no trees." She didn't know what to call the area south of here, which was more wide open. Casting her glance upwards for a moment, she finally it directed it back toward Eirnan. "I am Kiela, my apologies. Introductions are not my strength."