




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-05-2021, 10:31 PM

Falling back on fighting and training was easy. Stalking out of the pack's owned lands in search of some kind of opponent was easy. Dealing with the aftermath of his familial relationships and sorting out the electric draw he had felt toward the monochrome male were difficult. He had spent so much time over the last several weeks lost in thought and pondering every possibility and outcome - he was sick of it. For just a moment he wanted to just feel the pull of muscle and get lost in that familiar strain of a fight. He wasn't even sure what kind of fight he was looking for when he set out that morning. Anything that would keep him from overthinking for a moment would do. He moved at a quick trot along the bank of the Rio Grande, long limbs striding forward with a mission even though he wasn't sure what that mission was.

He found his answer soon enough when he spotted a lioness a good distance ahead of him and he slowed his pace for a moment. Diverting his path, he found a large rock to duck behind, though he was lucky enough to have a pale coat that blended in with the winter weather around him fairly easily. The large feline was crouched at the edge of the river, getting a drink or perhaps watching a fish swimming just under the surface. It didn't really matter what she was doing, all he cared about was the challenge and this was challenge enough for him. He rolled his shoulders as he pondered his next move, getting his black leather armor to settle against his body a bit more comfortably. Going against a lion on his own was not a wise choice, but he had been so dead set on getting away from his own surroundings for a moment that he didn't think to bring one of the other soldiers with him. He hummed softly with a frown, disappointed that he was going to have to go looking for another predator to take out his frustrations on.
