
Like a thousand doves




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-06-2021, 01:35 AM

It had taken him a while to let himself return here again. Returning with no information or leads to give Void had been part of it, but still being uncertain of those feelings he had the last time they met was another, perhaps more present part of it. After much musing and contemplation he had come to terms with the fact that natural draw to the dappled man had actually been that strong then there must be a reason for it. He liked to believe that everything that fell into his path had a reason or a purpose. Where those things would lead him was still to be determined, but he was tired of running from these things. Just because they were uncomfortable or uncertain and he couldn't meet them with brute force or teeth didn't mean he should avoid them.

The normally grassy slope was dusted with snow, something that seemed to be an ever-present feature of the landscape all across Boreas. This winter had come on fast and with a furry that made him a bit worried for what was to come for the rest of the season. That had been part of the reason why he had come now since he had a fear that if he didn't he might not be able to until the spring. Not seeing Void for a full season or more after a promise to see him here again felt unfair and cruel - to Void and himself. He climbed to the top of the cliff and looked out over the ocean the same way he had that night and had a surprising amount of nervousness stirring in his gut. He was nervous to face those emotions again, but perhaps more nervous that those emotions wouldn't be there at all.

It was going into late evening as he stood there, watching the sun set over the horizon. He had decided to come earlier this time, but it was still fairly late in the day. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should go to the border of Void's pack to look for him, but decided he didn't want to risk crossing paths with anyone else from Abaven in the process. Instead, he lifted his head and let out a low call for the man, hoping that perhaps he would be somewhere nearby where he could be heard. When his howl faded into silence he looked back out over the ocean again. With a soft sigh he settled onto his haunches to wait and see if Void showed, carefully keeping his expression and posture in check to keep any sign of his internal conflict at bay.
