
Adventure is out there!



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
01-06-2021, 01:50 AM
Corbin seemed obviously pleased with her response that they were pack wolves and chuckled a little when he declared that Artorias was a prince and heir. She gave her blue-hued son a glance at the thought, but didn't comment on it. It wasn't something that she and Resin had even discussed. She felt like they were just now getting into the swing of running the pack and were preparing for their move to Auster - who the pack would be handed down to when they were no longer able to lead hadn't crossed her mind. It was honestly hard for her to imagine any of her pups being old enough to lead a pack on their own, but she knew that day would come sooner or later. One day she would blink and they would be old enough to have families of their own if they so chose. Distracted by her own thoughts, she almost missed the rest of Corbin's offer of teaching Artorias and keeping an eye on him in exchange for meals and a home.

Her son was of course absolutely thrilled which made her grin and laugh lightly in response. She had already taken a liking to the raven anyway so it didn't take much convincing to get her on board, but she liked the promise he made to be more polite all the same. "Okay, okay! Of course, you're welcome to join us, Corbin. I always appreciate another set of eyes on this rascal." She was positive Blue would be the most relieved that he would be off the hook for watching at least one of these fluff balls. They were a paw full and a half and even just having such an intelligent bird having an eye in the sky on her precious blueberry boy was a huge relief. Now she just needed to find a way for all of her children to have that sort of supervision... especially Rudyard.

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