
Fishing Trip


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
01-06-2021, 10:18 AM
Hanako could take a hint. Kicking her way back to shore, she swam in silence, her brow knotted as she wondered how she could fix this. She just wasn't sure what was with herself lately, it seemed as though her mind was fuddled and she was making all the wrong decisions. If this was what being an adult entailed then she wanted none of it! She would very happily regress back into a yearling, thank you very much! Except she had no choice in the matter, her body did as it liked and dragged her along for the ride. Her fiery paws met sand and Hanako waded up into the shallows, the waves rolling over her shins as though beckoning her back into the blue. She would have gladly swam to exhaustion instead of  this, maybe it was still an option, to just turn tail and dive back beneath the sea.

Pulling in a deep breath, Hanako cast her gaze to the Fatalis before her. When he finally did speak the words rushed from his muzzle like a torrent, barely legible. Her eyes snapped wide as the meaning sank in, she knew that his parents were his role models that their relationship was the shining example of love in his eyes but-well was that what she wanted too? Maybe. But also yes, sorta. She wanted to be loved and cherished, there was no denying that, it was all she'd been groomed for and now that the opportunity was in sight, almost in grasp she found herself floundering. Talk about dropping the ball.

In her mind she'd never really fixated on any particular person, they'd always been staggeringly handsome and kind but beyond the superficial their faces had always been a blur and their voice in her ears a muted rumble. But that wasn't exactly what he was asking, was it? He wanted to know why and fairly so but she didn't KNOW! Besides, was that what he wanted? Or was he just doing his Morty thing where he just wanted to make everyone happy? Hanako looked mostly calm on the outside but rest assured she was screaming herself hoarse on the inside.

"I-" She wavered, quick to turn the question on him. "Well what do you want? No one asks you that so I'm gonna."
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