
Lonely Star



2 Years
01-06-2021, 11:44 AM

starlight, starbright

It had been grueling, leaving her homeland, but it had been necessary. She had done what needed to be done and it was as simple as that. The same went for when she left Quinn’s homeland with him and his brother. She was a firm believer that everyone had to find their own path in the world, and she had found that through the honor and duty she had in protecting her family. She loved Quinn, and she knew he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, but she was there so he didn’t have to. She could help him carry that weight and it was okay. They were equal in all things.

She smiled up at the stars, each one with their own meaning and interpretations, and the map that she never lost so long as there was not a cloud in sight. They could be hard to see at times, be it weather or terrain, but they were always there for those smart enough to find and follow them. She found a peace in that. She found solace knowing she could always find her way back from where she had come. Even being a stranger in a strange land did not seem to affect them.

The woman seemed to have noticed her, a soft smile as she responded quietly. She had an interesting accent, one that Eirnan had never heard before and it had left her curious as to her origins. Eir was always a student, never quite knowing enough… it would get her into trouble one day, she was certain of it, but for now it just allowed her to learn more about the world. “I haven’t seen a night this clear in some time, I’ll admit.” She kept her voice soft, because that seemed to be the right approach to take in the moment.

She caught the faintest hint of a smile and returned it, listening as she claimed to have heard them too. “My mother always told me they were a map, ancestors and history guiding us through the world. As long as you could see them, you’d never be lost.” Those words had rang true. It had started when she was little, gazing up at the stars and tracking different constellations that she was moving opposite of to know to follow them back home. It had saved her hide more than once. “I am Eirnan… nor are they mine. No worries.” She mostly let Quinn do the speaking, but he was not here right now so it was all on her.


As her travelling companions. Quinn and/or Caedmon may enter any of Eirnan's threads regardless of whether or not they are private.