
I See You


09-11-2013, 11:10 PM

He had never been in love before, didn't even know what love was. He'd seen plenty of times how his parents were with each other, so he had a vague idea of what love looked like, but he had never experienced it for himself. And part of him wanted to, but at the same time he didn't feel like he was ready for it. He had just come back home several seasons ago and he was still trying to figure his place out in his pack. His aunt had told him that he was going to be trained as a beta, but he wasn't sure when that was going to happen. Things were starting to fall in place, but he wasn't sure where he stood with Meili at the moment. They both liked each other, that much was certain, but as far where their relationship was going he had no idea. Did he love Meili? It felt like he did. He really cared about her, that was for sure, but did he love her? How did someone know if they loved someone else? So many unanswered questions but he didn't want to think about any of them right now. He just wanted to focus on his little woman and what his body was telling him.

Meili would turn towards him, pressing her muzzle into his neck, her breath tickling the skin beneath it. A low rumble of pleasure would vibrate in his massive chest as he tucked his chin over her head, holding her to him, ears flicking forward with attention as she whispered his name, sending shivers down his spine and making the heat circling his hips burn just a little bit hotter. Meili... There was so much feeling in that one word. His body wanted to do one thing while his heart another. Gael didn't know what to do because he wasn't sure about what was going on with him, both physically and emotionally. He just hoped he would be able to figure it out.

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