
i like those odds




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-06-2021, 11:45 PM
Laith had decided to leave that dark and wet forest as far behind him as possible, deciding very quickly that he wanted to be somewhere drier. It took some travelling, but eventually the landscape around him turned from lush greens to sandy yellows, and he relished in it. With a grunt he flopped onto his side, rolling on his back and wiggling his body in the sandy dirt, letting it get all the way into his thick fur. After a few moments he got back to his feet and with a great big shake shook the excess particles from his fur, leaving behind a mere sandy tint in his greyscale coat. That was much better. Now content, he padded onwards in a carefree trot, tail happily swishing behind him. While intense heat was no fun, the feeling of even somewhat warm sunlight on his body was enough to put him in a good mood. When he came upon a small ravine he stopped right at the edge, spotting a river at the very bottom. He was quite thirsty as he had not come across any other sources of water for the last part of his trek.
Laith lowered his head to eye the precarious footholds embedded into the ravine walls with squinted eyes. He could use those to make his way to the bottom as, unfortunately, there did not seem to be a better way down. With a huff he cautiously made his way down, ears laying flat on his skull whenever his paws slipped or he wobbled. He let out a sigh of relief upon reaching firm ground, skittering away from the wall of the ravine. Hopefully there was a nicer way out of the ravine on the other side because he was not going back up that way. No fucking way was that happening. With the hazardous portion of his journey over, Laith made his way over to the river, lapping up several mouthfuls of the delightedly cool water to quench his thirst.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!