
let it snow

Caed, seasonal prompt

Quinn I


2 Years
01-06-2021, 11:47 PM
(Thoughts Speech)

Quinn looked at his brother, as he answered Eirnan's question for him, suggesting an ambush tactic. Simple and effective. but the question was, who should start the charge, and from where? He looked toward the sheep, a female, with small spindly horns sticking out of the top of its head. He watched it move, limping on each step as it favored it's rear left leg, huffing with each step, it seemed like the hip was dislocated, and that meant that it wasn't able to run at all, so it would be likely to simply turn and try to fight them instead, a last-ditch attempt to survive against the trio.

He pondered for a second, and turned to his brother, saying: "I have a slight change to the idea, we'll keep it distracted, you'll circle around the outcropping to the left and work your way up behind it, it'll probably try to fight, or even pin itself against a wall, so you'll have to move until you can jump on it and knock it over."

"Love, you take the first move, you'll be more intimidating, being stronger than me, so you circle over to the right, and try to scare it to me, then I'll jump out and make it feel trapped, it'll focus on us so Caed can have his opening." He said, his voice hushed like the breeze that blew over them from the north, and he grinned as he flicked his tail, a wordless signal meaning to get to their positions, because their prey was starting to wander off, and he didn't want to risk it going somewhere they couldn't follow, down a cliff being one of them. He growled slightly at the thought of losing this easy meal, and he snarled the word: "Go!" as he moved forward ever so slowly, his paws gently crunching the snow as he blocked out all other sounds, positioning himself to get ready for the ambush.
Quinn Kearney

(Eirnan and Caedmon may join in on any thread that Quinn is in, since they are traveling in a group.)