
Matters of the Heart


09-11-2013, 11:28 PM

He would watch in amusement as his baby sisters would interact, Guin claiming herself to become a superb hunter while Solaine would shoot her down, bringing to attention the fact that the leg was indeed "dead" and that you couldn't hunt something that was dead. A smile would quirk his lips at their antics, a mock gasp pushing past his jaws as Guin ran up to him, tagging him with her tiny paw before rushing out of the den towards the water that their father had told him they would go explore that day. A chuckle rumbled in his chest as his mother panicked, rushing out to grab Guin and bring her back, urging that they should all eat patiently. His father would be quick to soothe his mother, inviting all the Adravendi children, himself included even though he wasn't much of a child anymore, to go on ahead and explore. I'll take care of them. He assured his parents, as he moved past them to step outside the den, nape craning around as he looked back to Solaine. Are you coming Sol? He called back to his other sister, turning back to watch Guin to make sure she didn't get into any trouble yet.

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