
i like those odds




2 Years

Critical Hit!
01-06-2021, 11:54 PM

It had certainly taken Rhaegara time to scale down the ravine, trusting Carlys to be her eyes to spot ahead for dangerous marks of terrain though eventually she made it to the bottom with no problems. The water down there seemed fresh enough, and so she allowed herself to stop for a quick drink, her faithful companion also partaking as the raven always seemed parched. She wondered if it was a bird thing or if it was just a Car thing. Honestly, it could be either. She continued to follow the river, eyes peeled on her surroundings curious to what she could find. She doubted she would find anything that could be used for armor down here, but she considered perhaps an accessory, a necklace or something to get her used to working with materials like a craftsman.

That was when she caught the scent of another wolf in the distance, eyes sharp as Car settled between her shoulder blades with a soft peck to encourage her to stay alert. She didn’t particularly trust strangers, but she was always willing to meet them and get to know them. For her it was a good learning experience. Her head tilted slightly to the side, remaining several wolf lengths away as she let out a soft woof to alert the man of her presence. If her nose and eyes were not deceiving her, he was about her age, smaller and with a lighter build. She had more muscle to her it seemed, more weight to put behind her too. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you.” She offered with a light dip of her head in greeting.

She felt more confident having a pack to return to when it came to interacting with strangers. Before she’d been rather skittish, afraid that she was being hunted to the ends of the earth by her former best friend’s father… but now she had a little bit of faith. It had been so long and she had travelled so far that she was confident no one was hunting her down. They were simply satisfied with her disappearance. “I’m Rhaegara, and this is my friend Carlys.”

"Rhae"  "Carlys"