
i like those odds




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-07-2021, 01:44 AM
Laith smirked at her growled words, this was just too much fun for him, he could not help himself by playing it up a little. "Nah, just couldn't be bothered looking for 'em when they got lost in the first place." If he needed to he could be a bit less of an asshole, but as he had no intention of pledging his allegiance and what-not to some stuck up alpha, why would he? The lone empty road was where he liked it best, just doing whatever he wanted, living life carefree and not being told what to do every single goddamn day. Just imagining the regime of living in a pack left a foul taste in his mouth. No thanks, that was not for him.
It was a pity the bird flew out of his reach, he was really hoping to distract the female enough to allow him to get a swipe in at the plump, feathery morsel. But alas, he would have to find some common ground prey to satiate his desire to rip and kill. At her mocking tone a grim look appeared on his face, lips pulling back to bare his teeth as he let out a snarl. Yeah sure, he had some family issues that clearly facilitated the development of his bad attitude, but that was a fucking low blow. "Some families just ain't got that loving vibe," he all but hissed out, his tail lashing out angrily behind him. "I'm sure you grew up with nice parents and a pack who all loved you unconditionally." The picture perfect life with loving parents and aunts and uncles was not what he had, and he was glad. It made him stronger. A wolf who had love for another was just opening themselves to disaster, but not him. He would just as easily rip his own siblings throat out if he had half the chance.
"Maybe I like who I am. If you don't like it, why don't you fucking do something about it, eh?" Trying to get a rise out of her was probably not the best idea Laith had ever had, but fuck it, what did he have to lose at this point?
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!