
Like a thousand doves




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-07-2021, 12:24 PM
Void was often emotionless and lost in his deeper thoughts, blue and lavender gaze straying to the sky more often than not. Cosmic dramas taking up the majority of his obsession. Recently though, since Plague asked to see him again, the star gazer often caught himself thinking of the Ashen wolf. Which caused the cool, calm, and collected Destruction to endure much more inner turmoil. He felt guilty for thinking about the baffling connection he felt between them when he should have been focusing all of his efforts on finding his lost family. Maybe it was a sign about himself, that he was losing hope that they would be returned to him.

With winter now fully embraced by all of the land Void was having second thoughts about taking his siblings and venturing out into the snow. Eulogy had been in Auster before, what if she somehow made it back down there? Again his thoughts ventured out further, what if she was already dead and they should have been searching around Abaven for much longer? The morbid thought struck him deeply, like every time he inevitably thought about the very real outcome at having already lost her.

Void quickly found his paws, the sudden need to get out and be away from his thoughts very real. The now man crossed Abaven’s borders and like fate acted as his guide headed towards the cliffs. The sight of the ocean so vast and expansive along with the memory of Plague there would certainly clear his mind. Though he was only half surprised when he heard the man’s voice call out from his destination.

Still a ways out Void paused to call back, the sound of his own voice a sorrowful song. He already knew Plague wouldn’t have any news on his family, but with a sudden fluttering in his chest Void eagerly loped forward. Knowing Plague called out for him brought an unsettling nervousness to his belly that couldn’t be described as unpleasant. The perfect distraction from his unsettled mind.

His massive frame approached at an easy pace, climbing the slope to return to Plague’s side and the calming rhythm of the ocean. The breeze held the hint of warmth, but cold reigned. The chill cooled his nerves as Void relaxed back onto his haunches. ”Hello again, Plague.” He greeted the man politely, his deep voice obscuring the sudden uncertainty he felt. Void had returned here with less answers than the pale Abraxas.