
grinnin' like a jackass eatin' cactus [RAID]



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-07-2021, 08:44 PM

It was time to raid and Ásvor was fully prepared. Part of her was glad that Valdis was able to stay behind and make sure their home - and Ulfr, subsequently - were safe, but another part of her felt strange that her wife wouldn't be here fighting beside her. Either way she was determined to put up a damn good fight, her age be damned. There was no sign that she felt half as old as she was as she strode up with the rest of Fireside, viking-helmet-clad head raised high. Jörmungandr was coiled near her neck, around the side section of her helmet. They waited but for a moment before the fights began to break out, though Ásvor was slightly more deliberate, standing her ground and scoping out an opponent.

Her deliberation didn't last for long before she zeroed in on Venom. She was young and pretty, standing with an air of importance that was undeniable - and made Ásvor want to kick her down a notch. Or two, preferably. Spending a split second getting a better look at her, Ásvor hoped to take her by surprise and she charged her - angling herself toward her from the side as she used her slighter size to her advantage and tried to grab hold of the side of her throat, hoping to gain control over her before Venom had a chance to overpower her. Catching her off guard would no doubt be the best bet. A barely-audible hiss was heard from Jörmungandr as she uncoiled herself and reared back, preparing to strike sharp and fast. The risk to her companion was great so her impact would be minimal before she fled, but hopefully enough of a distraction to disrupt their opponent.

Ásvor Finnvi vs Venom for Dominance
Round 1 / ?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bladed forearm bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Viking helmet
Companion 1: Bush Viper, Female - Battle
Skills: Expert Healer & Intermediate Fighter
Specialty: N/A