
Fishing Trip



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-08-2021, 01:01 AM

He stared at Hanako with big, wide, blue eyes. A little afraid, and treading in deep water. He didn’t know what he was doing, what he was wanting. What he should say. He tried to picture Hanako cuddled beside him in his den, of looking down at her the way Sirius looked down at a sleeping Zee. full of love, and amazement that she was his. Oh raising puppies with her, maybe one day leading the Armada with her. Of taking his fathers role, staying here, having the life his father had, and wanted for him. He thought of Azure, and what he would do. His brother would either leave, or fight him. He would not just stand there and let Mortis take Hana away from him.

Would it be a death match? Would his brother be angry enough to do it. He trembled at the thought, of being locked in a fight to the death with the brother he had always loved most in the world. The love had always been one sided, and that would be the final, great, most devastating ending to the tragedy of their brotherhood. He looked at that image, and he knew he couldn’t do it. He liked Hana, a lot. He wanted her to be in her life, but she could never… she could never think he wanted her in any other way.

“I want… I want to catch fish with you at sunset, I want to play along the beach with you. Sit together in our tree hut, and huddle by the fire outside my den and talk until night turns to day. I want to be your best friend, forever. But I don’t think… I think… Azure loves you Hana, and I love him.” he looked at her helplessly, the innocent naive, puppy love that made up so much of him gone. Shaken away to show the worried young man beneath.