
I've got time to kill




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-08-2021, 01:55 AM

After his little spat with that earthy bitch in the ravine Laith decided to head north instead of wherever she came from, not eager for a second round. He licked at the wounds on the top of his muzzle; they were only beginning to really heal now and had become pink scabs. Maybe he would be left with small scars as a memento of the occasion? He did not quite know how he felt about that yet, but only time would tell. As he crested the hill he took a moment to observe the valley before him. It was full of lush greenery that looked really comfy to lie down in, and a river lazily meandering through the dips of the scenery. He had to admit, it was pretty, if even only in a nice-place-to-rest type of way.
It would be perfect if not for the frigid wind that blew through his fur, a reminder that it was still winter, even if it did not look like it yet. Laith began his trek down into the valley, lithe legs extended in long strides as his head hung low to sniff for any traces of prey. He was not yet starving for food, but a small meal would be nice before he had a nap among the thick grass. Scents of multiple types of prey battled his nose for attention, but none seemed overly fresh, and he huffed loudly in frustration. What was the point of all this fucking grass if he was not able to easily hunt something down? It seemed he would have to go digging for some burrows if he wished to find a meal.
He sat roughly down on his haunches, lifting up a forepaw to lick at his toes as he thought about what he would do first: take a nap, or go hunting for food? Both were tempting, but he could only choose one to do at a time.

Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!