
If I could turn back time [M]



5 Years
01-08-2021, 07:20 AM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2021, 05:41 AM by Rayne.)

The willows gently blew in the breeze as Rayne approached them, having smelled the pond about a mile out and realising just how parched he was after leaving that fire filled cavern. It certainly was much warmer than the north he originally came from yet the water was cooling on his skin and fur as he entered it, his body relishing the coolness of the water compared to the fiery heat of the cavern. The red wolf wasn’t sure why his skin still itched uncomfortably or felt so warm after leaving that place long enough ago. But he was still glad to have found this little willow oasis as his long legs powered on from one bank to the opposite one, taking on a few mouthfuls of water along the way as he dodged the lily pads.    

Pulling himself out of the water and shaking the excess water off his pelt, Rayne finally glanced around the pod and surrounding willow trees. It was a rather pretty place to be and had a nice water source. It seemed a little odd to him there wasn’t a pack around here, what with the constant water source and though it seemed like you’d have to travel a little for food, he thought he felt something brush his leg when swimming in the pond.  

Brushing past some of the swaying branches of a nearby willow tree, Rayne flopped underneath the shade of one and rested his chin against his front paws as a frown crossed his face. He wasn’t entirely sure why but these willows vaguely reminded him of his sister, Senka for some reason or another. Foggy, dream-like memories surfaced in his mind, with him meeting his sister at the edge of some pack in the willows and excitedly talking with her, after searching for her far and wide. She’d been so excited to see him, his brain insisted and aren’t you excited too? But he merely shook them aside as a pang of sadness filled his chest, a great huff escaping his lips as his rest rested against his legs again. It must have been a hazy dream that occurred while he slept the night away one night. It wasn’t real, no matter how much his chest hurt thinking of his sister and how he failed to find her.  

She was fine, surely. His sister was a tough one, that was for sure.