
Fishing Trip


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
01-08-2021, 11:32 AM
Hanako wasn't sure what she expected but for the hundredth time that day she wished she could just keep her damn mouth closed. She knew that if nothing Mortis enjoyed her company that they were good friends who shared a lot of memories but what if he wanted more? Could she give that to him? Probably! At the very least she'd try, and given that things flowed so naturally with him she thought- but then he spoke and his words sliced through her silly daydream. That's all her wants and desires were, silly and undeserving, flip flopping between one brother to the next like a harlot.

Ah. So that's how it was. She should have seen it coming and even though Mortis was as gentle as could be his rejection wounded her all the same. In a sense she understood where he was coming from, Azure would no doubt have feelings about this, very loud ones too but- well none of that seemed to matter when Mortis was more or less saying he didn't want her. That he didn't think she was worth it. Except that-well she! Hanako wanted to screech and stamp her paws, demand that he reconsider but what good would that do? This wasn't the first time she'd been turned down, Hattori hadn't wanted her either but now it felt personal. Like an open wound, staining her fur red.

Okay. All right. Very well. Okie dokie. No problem.

Hanako pulled in a deep breath and buried it deep, further down then she'd ever pushed anything before. As though it wasn't even a part of her anymore, like those thoughts weren't her own.

"No you're right. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. Let's just pretend that didn't happen." If nothing she was putting on a rather convincing display, the mask was back on, stuck into place with thorns that pierced at her skin. Her eyes crinkled at the corners as her lips curled into a delicate smile. "Wanna have a race rematch? I'll beat you this time, I swear it."
[Image: dfvjf24-4160f57c-3b2d-47de-b3e1-aa34987f...SqQlFNW-eM]