
Drop on by



6 Years
09-12-2013, 06:04 AM

Everything was happening with startling swiftness. Yellow gaze danced from one sibling to the next, eyes still alight with worry and confusion. He was not sure why everyone wasn't happy. He figured the feeling would have been universal, though he had always noted Howl didn't like talking about their sister, but figured he just missed her badly. And yet something was off... his whining ceased as Symphony leaned over to nuzzle him gently, and he would grow quickly complacent once again.

Words were exchanged... their meanings lost to him. Soon Howl slipped next to him as well, nuzzling him. His nerves would settle, and slowly he reclined to his haunches, not wanting to leave the gathering. But the next thing that happened surprised him greatly. A youngster rushed forward, calling Song 'mommy.' Was it true? Had she given birth to children? Immediately his expression brightened, and he lowered his head to be level with Novel's. Anthem found himself getting along well with pups, and he grinned at her, tail wagging a few times behind him. Another girl trailed behind, but this one didn't look much like Song.

Another familiar form crashed through the underbrush. Were all of his siblings going to be here?! His heart raced as he recognized the chocolate-furred wolf as Legend. Joy radiated from the very core of his being, a wolfish smile crossing his features as his tail began to wag again, shaking his hind end back and forth. Once again his attention shifted to the children -- Song called them Novel and Canta. Babies! Wriggling from his siblings' grasp, he shuffled forward to nuzzle the children, blissfully unaware of the fact they might not be comfortable with a near-stranger touching them, but in his mind, they were family. It was a simple fact, one that he understood and internalized quickly. Oblivious to the conversation that was unfolding around them, simply happy to be with family and not alone.