
When The World Stops Turning



5 Years
09-12-2013, 07:06 AM

Novella on the other hand wasn't quite able to see the view point of her elder siblings, she'd watched anyone younger grow up perhaps then she would have understood how difficult it could be to admit how quickly time had flown, that it barely seemed possible that one moment someone once so small could now actually be considered an adult. "You certainly are not. Novella, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you growing up. I just want you to know that I think you've turned out wonderfully." The comments were certainly ones that were pleasing to hear to the young wolf, especially with the current situation with her other elder siblings.

The latter of the comments however wasn't something that Novella quite knew how to respond. No one had ever really made such a statement before, perhaps behind the family's backs some of Ahlon may have said similar things, glad to see that this litter had indeed brought them together far more as a family than the first. "I'm sure I'm no different to you really." She settled on. Although Song had of course received rather different treatment growing up, they had still all grown in the same lands, the same parents and pack looking out for them.

"You didn't know, and I'm starting to think you might not have received a warm welcome if you'd tried to visit." It was certainly a sad thought, and the emotion certainly found itself trailing into Novella's voice with a small sigh. Still, she was determined not to let their other siblings put a damper on this visit and she tried to push that thought away. "It doesn't matter though, I'm here now, we can be there for each other." She commented, voice taking a cheerier tone again as she brightened. Of course Novella had no long term plans right now, not like Song who had her entire life here with her pack and new family, the younger female had nothing but time though her sister certainly had far more responsibilities to keep her busy.