
Oceanic Breeze

Nox and Lupa



3 Years
01-08-2021, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2021, 07:57 PM by Lupa.)
Get up off your knees girl

Times long past washed through Lupa’s memory. He fondly remembered playing with Tav’s children. As Lupa watched his two friends, a phrase the littlest of her children taught Lupa popped in his memory. Lupa looked at Tav and with a slight bow he said, “Dia dhuit.” with a smile and a wink and sat next to Nox. “You’re the last one I expected to see out here. I hope you have been well Tav, it’s been far too long. Time has been kind and cruel.” Lupa approached Tav and looked out over the sea. “Gods its beautiful, no matter how messed up the beach gets the sea always soothes it out and makes it anew. Don’t you think?” Lupa slipped a kind smile to Tavain. He sat and watched the sky and the sea. Its glorious white caps crashed on the base of the cliff and smoothed the beach far below. Gentle clouds lofted across the sky. A hint of an approaching storm danced on the horizon. At this moment, he missed the good times at the cave with the children and the rest of his adopted family. His smile slipped to a look of longing.

Lupa turned to Tav and with a halfhearted smile. “Your youngest said something one time that always stuck with me the last time we were at your burrow. We were getting ready to head out and she said, ‘May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home, may good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world, with joy that long endures, may all life's passing seasons, bring the best to you and yours.’ It was such a beautiful phrase and I always wondered were a little one like her heard that, but it touched me and reminds me of you and yours.” With that, Lupa turned back to the sea to let the lady’s catch up.

And stand face to face with your God.