
One weaf two weaf



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
01-08-2021, 11:10 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2021, 11:13 PM by Gwynevere.)
Gwyn wasn't paying full attention to her brother so when she looked up at him to see his reaction to all the information she was giving him and saw the piece of horsetail hanging out of his mouth. She blinked with surprise and then giggled softly with an exasperated sigh, giving a little shake of her head. Sure, they could be eaten, but that didn't mean she had meant for him to. Ah well, she watched him drop it back to the fur under them turned her attention back to the herbs with her tail wagging gently. She really hadn't expected Artorias to show much interest in all this stuff, but once he mentioned that it would be good to know just in case he had any injuries from his activities she was reminded that this was still helpful knowledge even for the fighters. It might not be his favorite subject, but she appreciated that he at least saw the benefit in paying attention.

She hummed softly when he asked about what else these plants could do and let her swirled eyes scan the plants in front of her for a moment, trying to pick out some of the ones that might actually he helpful for him. She could start rattling off facts about most of them, but she wanted to give him information that he'd be able to use instead. Reaching forward with one paw, she pointed to a bundle of dried flowers that were slightly browned because of how they had been dried to preserve them, but their orange hue was still pretty obvious. "These are marigold flowers. The petals are actually really good to use on all kinds of injuries - cuts, burns, stings, bites... It helps them all heal. Oh, also, if you have a sore throat or something like that these are really good to chew on too." She brought one of the flowers closer for him to look at, setting it next to the sample of horsetail and lambs ear. "So what I'd do if you had a cut that I needed to treat, is crush up some of these petals, put it right on the cut, close up the cut with some of the sticky horsetail, and then steal it over with one of the lambs ear leaves so there's no way it'll get dirty and it'll heal faster!" She grinned happily while she explained it all, proud of herself for being able to remember all these things. "Of course you don't have to do all that if you're out on your own and get hurt or something. You could just close it up with a bit of horsetail to keep it from bleeding till you get back home and then a healer can do all the other stuff for you."

Just as she was finishing up her explanation, she heard some scuffling on the roof for a moment and it was enough to make her look up toward the sound with a little tilt of her head. It only lasted a moment, but then it sounded like maybe Artorias' raven took off and that seemed odd to her since Artorias was still here with her and his raven didn't really seem to leave his side. She looked back to her brother with a questioning look, asking, "Should we go check on him?"

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