
The winds, they scream your name

Quinn I


2 Years
01-09-2021, 12:53 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2021, 12:56 PM by Quinn I.)
(Thoughts Speech)

Quinn smiled as the woman in front of him knelt down and sniffed at the earth, it felt good to him to be teaching something to another, whether they were planning to come around to learn more or not, knowledge was useful to all, and he felt it best to learn what he could, so why not also share his knowledge? She spoke to him about knowing other healers, and nodded in thanks when she spoke of his passion, his tail twitching and wagging as he grew to enjoy the company of this wolf. His face grew more solemn however as she mentioned her daughter, the look on her face showing a bit of hurt in it. "I'm happy to hear of other wolves who take an interest in my craft, perhaps I will run into her on my travels." He said. He was sure that something must have happened to her, or at least between them, though he was also sure he shouldn't pry further.

When the woman asked him about his intentions for coming down here, he questioned himself again as to what he should divulge, and thank goodness his mind worked quick, because he needed an excuse that didn't speak of his family.  "Well, no. I'm new to these lands, and I was just looking for a place to rest mostly, I didn't expect to find this soil here at all." It was a lie, but one he was good at pulling off as he'd practiced it a lot back at home. he looked around him and decided it would be best to inquire of the woman's status, as far as having traveling companions. "So, are you alone out here? Or is there someone else waiting in the bushes nearby, ready to pounce out and grab me?" He said, jokingly.

He let his gaze fall on her, and noticed again, the uneasy feeling when he stared into those fiery orange eyes of hers. And he couldn't help but wonder, what secrets lie behind them.
Quinn Kearney

(Eirnan and Caedmon may join in on any thread that Quinn is in, since they are traveling in a group.)