
meeting the warlord




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-09-2021, 01:16 PM

Hikaru mostly kept to himself so far as he tried to learn the Armada, its lands, and the way of life. He talked to Hanako already, seeing her again had been a vibrant revitalization and she had encouraged him and his growth here. Everything was very different but Hika felt more at home here, and like he belonged, so much more than the lands of his birth. Kaiyo very quickly decided that Mortis would be his friend here in the Armada, and being with the other boy filled his days with smiles. Like nothing he’d experienced with the Iga.

Mortis made this place home, and Hika was determined to prove him right. The koi scarcely knew what he wanted out of life, even having a choice was so new to him. Whatever it was, he wanted to be here, helping Mort as he grew into the great leader Hikaru knew he would be. Of course, they had a long way to go before that day, and Hika wasn’t eager to put any crazy responsibilities on himself.

Kaiyo wasn’t often without Mort at his side, but he was determined to go out on his own today when the heir was off doing his own duties. Hika might have followed him, but he was also half hoping to have a moment to make something for his new friend. Most of his gadgets, bobbles, or jewelry were dismissed by his family and the Iga. He figured if anyone could appreciate his crafting it was Mortis.

He made his way to the less often used part of the Armada territory, with him he carried a couple few items he’d found lying around the pack, the den, or from the day he’d been at the battlefield. He hid the slight blush as he thought about Keetie and desired all the more to show Mortis how much he appreciated him. The koi shook himself softly and made himself comfortable for a little quiet work. He knew this would give him too much time with his own thoughts, but he had a lot to process from the last few weeks.