
New Discoveries




5 Years

01-09-2021, 10:39 PM

Nausicaa gave them their heading, and with an eager smile, Milo turned and headed off down the corridor in the direction of the stabby disk symbol. As they walked down the corridor, Milo began to whistle a light tune, the notes echoing down the abandoned hallways in an almost eerie fashion. The sound of birds chirping and singing in the trees around them filtered in through the cracks in the glass walls, joining him in his melody. The corridor going down the stabby disk path was mostly unremarkable—until they arrived at a pair of large wooden frames that had once been doors, huge rectangles cut out of the middle where glass had once been. The doors were closed, but Milo managed to slip through the opening, waltzing into a large open-spaced restaurant with tables and chairs set up as if to receive guests for service. Milo strode past a weathering podium and across the spacious dining area, peering around at all the abandoned furniture, now covered in a thick layer of dust. All of the walls of the restaurant were the same aged and mucky glass that the hallways had been, with the exception that they opened up towards the beach and the ocean beyond. The ceiling was painted in a fresco of an ocean scene as if to give the restaurant an atmosphere of being underwater, with the dark teal walls fading from constant exposure to sunlight.

"I've seen places like this before," Milo said while placing his paws up on the counter of a bar, rows of colored liquors and spirits tucked away behind it, also covered in dust and cobwebs. "They're pretty common around where the Lost Species would live. They were some kind of congregation area, like how packs will gather for shared meals or festivals." Milo hoisted himself over the bar, jumping up onto the back counter to better reach the shelves of alcohol. He gave each bottle a tentative sniff, but only ended up inhaling dust, which exited him in an explosive sneeze. He gave a small smile over his shoulder to Nausicaa to let her know he was okay before grabbing a bottle in his teeth and pulling it from the shelf. The aged label on the bottle was written in gibberish and pictograms he couldn't decipher, so he pulled the top off and gave it a tentative sniff. The acrid scent of whiskey hit his nose, making him grimace and recoil. The cap went back on quickly, but he still slipped the bottle into his bag all the same. The liquor smelled strong, and some nights strong was exactly what he needed...

After nicking a couple more bottles into his bag, Milo slunk beneath an opening under the bar to saunter back across the restaurant floor. "If there's anything you see that looks interesting or pretty and you wanna take it, let me know! I'll bag it up for you!" he called out to his partner while heading for two swinging doors off to one side of the restaurant. "I'm gonna check out in here!" Milo pushed through the doors, feeling them give way easily to his weight and finding himself in a dark kitchen, the only light coming from some small windows along the walls and a broken down back door leading to the outside. Milo walked slowly down the rows of shiny stainless steel counters, tiptoeing over shattered plates and fallen utensils in his path. The only sound that echoed in the derelict kitchen was the occasional clack of his claws against the tile floor, otherwise the kitchen was silent as a tomb. Milo inspected some of the cooking tools on the ground, recognizing knives, as some wolves had adopted to using them as weapons, but unfamiliar with the flat metal club he found. He pawed at it, listening to the scrape of metal against tile when it moved. Huh... What a peculiar object...

"Speech" | Thoughts