
Little whipper snappers

Pup fighting training



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
01-10-2021, 12:29 AM

Ulric strode down to the cleared out area set aside for fighting and sparing with his armor on and a little grin on his lips. After his talk with Azariah he was feeling much better about things. He had a renewed energy about the pack and his duties here, but he was still a father at the end of the day and had a deep love for all things puppies. He had noticed that quite a few of the pups - especially from Tamsyn and Resin's litter - were shaping up to be strong little fighters and he was curious to see them in action. Deciding that there was a perfect opportunity to have his duties as a father and a pack member intersect, he went down to the sparring range with his sights set on some training today.

After taking a few moments to clear away a few stray branches and even out some larger clumps of snow from the clearing, he lifted his head to howl for all the young, aspiring fighters in the pack. Of course any of the other fighters that wanted to participate would be welcome, but with how many pups there currently were it was going to be important that they get started with their training early so they all had equal chance to get as much practice in as possible. He found a spot near the edge of the clearing and sat on his haunches to wait for them to arrive, smiling softly to himself and searching the tree line in the mean time. It was a bright, clear day even though it was still very cold so at least it was a pleasant enough day to spar.

Walk | "Talk" | think