
Oceanic Breeze

Nox and Lupa



3 Years
Extra large

01-10-2021, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2021, 01:31 AM by Tavain.)
Light is easy to love,

Show me your darkness.

The druid woman sat tall as her tail wrapped seamlessly around her hind paws, while they softly pushed against the gentle coating of snow. Oh how she missed the ebony woman while she had traveled from her forced home. Whilst they were there it seemed like life would finally be worth living, to be able to push along a path that was forged many times over. Though it seemed life had just wished to dangle false hope in front of both of their faces. For the druid it was that of a happy life with a male who had ensnared her heart, blessed her with pups then dispersed many times over. But for Nox? She had assumed the father of the adorable pups was willing to get over his life from where he had hailed from, but it seemed like his ties had vanquished any forms of kinship between them, and the love that had once bloomed for many moons had faded away into nothingness. ’At least she got three good things from their union, and the first better take heed around my daughter.’ she had thought to herself as she allowed memories from their past home flutter lucidly in her mind.

As she sat there looking into the warm eyes of amber she had come to admire she could see the sparks start, she was recalling the woman before her and it made a smile split upon her face. Yes she was quite happy she left good memories with her friend ones that could bring back times that would surely fade from place if they had not seen another for a good while. And as she marched forward with no ile intent insight the druid woman sat with open arms for whatever may come, though she did not expect the warmth of her friend near her neck as she draped herself upon the women of tri-tones of monochromatic nature. It was a setmanet that she returned as she gently nuzzled into the ebony woman's neck before she had pulled away offering kind words that would make her eyes give way to a nature of watery depths. ”I believe it's as happy as I am to see you alive and well Mo stór.” she had replied happily while allowing her favored language filter through the air.

It did not take long for her friend to take notice that her children nor her sole sibling had come with her from the far lands. They had known where she was heading and could take their own path, she would not force their paw, they would be free to always make their own choice, ones that she was not allowed to have until she was finally free. ”They are wherever the soft breeze can take them, I would not force them to give up all that they have in order to follow me afar.” came a sad reply, though it was a statement that would always ring true. Though she would not allow herself to sink into the depths of depression, not when there were two faces she longed to see once again. And the second had spoken her sweet native tongue, making a smile brim past the sadness as she looked upon his face. Oh how she missed them both. ”Dia duit chomh maith le Lupa” the druid woman could not help but to reply in her own favored language. One that would always make her beam with pride for it helped define the woman she had become.

Silently she listened as he spoke, his voice like forgotten strings of music almost forgotten from the world for he seemed to remain a quiet observer most times they would meet. Which had made his voice all the more sweeter when he would open his maw. It was after he had finished his speech that she looked back to the fading sun as it caressed the sea. ”The sea loves to treat those who are patient to a blissful scene.” came a soft reply. Yes the soft waves would come and crash against the shore to renew each mark, no matter how messed up things on the shore line could be it would always be brought back to a peaceful state. With a turn of his head she had caught sight of his half hearted smile before he once more spoke this time of one of her youngest children blessing him with parting words. ”My daughter always wishes to give her own words of happiness to those she cares for. Though as to where she had learned it, I do not know if maybe it was said in passing or from the lessons she had received.” she had replied while the thought fondly of her children and their bright minds that would surely grow with each passing day.

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image is by Yeshi Kangrag upsplash