
Like a thousand doves




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-10-2021, 01:32 AM

The sound of Void's returned call brought him a bit of surprising relief and a small smile twitched onto his lips. At the very least he knew that the black and white speckled male was still around and still wanted to see him. Slowly the things he had been concerned over were being chipped away, but the rest still held firm like lurking shadows around him. It made him wonder what it was like to be the kind of wolves that he occasionally saw that seemed to have no cares in the world - the ones that lived to have fun and to have as much enjoyment in their lives as possible. He had never lived that way and couldn't really even remember a time when he was a pup that he had felt that way. Perhaps there had been back then that he had just forgotten, but for much of his life that hadn't been the case. There was no real way to know what that felt like without living it he supposed, but it was something he still wondered about all the same.

Plague's pale ear twisted to listen as the sound of Void's footsteps approaching him, pulling him away from his inner musing as his attention got drawn to the other male. Turning his head a bit to look away from the ocean, his emerald gaze landed on his company and that same faint smile flickered across his muzzle. "Void," he replied simply in return. Almost instantly he realized that the same twist in his stomach was still very much present and he was able to check another question mark off of his list. What he had felt the previous time they saw each other hadn't been a fluke or a coincidence. He couldn't tell yet if Void felt the same, but at the very least he knew how he felt. What he was actually going to do with that information he wasn't sure, but it was still nice to have an answer to one of his many various concerns.

There was one heavy weight that he had to get out of the way first though, and his already stoic expression fell a bit as he glanced back out toward the open water. "I haven't found them," he said after a beat of silence, his ears flicking uncertainly. "I'm sorry I don't have better news. At the very least they haven't been anywhere near Ashen."
