
One weaf two weaf



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
01-10-2021, 04:05 AM
Gwynevere grinned shyly and looked down at her paws with a giggle when Artorias insisted that she was going to be the master healer one day, her ears folding back with embarrassment. She could really only hope that she'd be that good at some point... There was a lot more for her to learn still and even if she knew all the facts in the world about the different kinds of herbs and what they did, she still needed practice with how to actually use them and putting her skills into practice. But even if she never got to be the best healer out there, she still enjoyed it so much she didn't mind. As long as she was able to help take care of her family and got to do what she enjoyed that's all she really cared about.

When Artorias got up to go outside, she followed suit, staying mostly behind her brother while still peeking around him to see what was going on. Her brows lifted with surprise when she spotted the creamy white raven that her brother's friend seemed to be facing off with and her head tipped to the side with curiosity. She didn't know ravens could be all white like that too! She looked to Corbin when he came down to land on Artorias' back, accusing the other bird of thinking he was going to eat one of them when they died. She blinked a couple of times and looked up at the white raven again questioningly.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Eilwen insisted as she took off from the roof as well, fluttering down to land on the ground in front of them, her blue eyes peering up at Corbin with a little glare. "I was merely asking if they were alright in there and making sure someone was looking after them! Besides, can you blame me for being concerned? You were looming up there like a vulture!" The ivory raven gave a little shake of her head and then focused her blue eyes on the pups in front of her, her feathers practically fluffing up in delight. "Oh look at you two! You're just absolutely adorable! Artorias and Gwynevere, was it? What lovely names, absolutely precious." She took a few waddling steps closer to the pair, peering up at Gwyn with a slight tilt to her head. "Your eyes are just beautiful, my dear. Just like a lavender field with purple in green."

Gwynevere gaped with surprise at the pale raven all through her scolding of Corbin and all the praise she had for her and her brother until the attention got turned to her directly. The compliment she got on her eyes made her face flush and she giggled, her shocked expression changing to a wide smile as her ears folded back shyly. "O-Oh! Well, thank you!"

"Don't be shy, dear! You're absolutely gorgeous!" With a nod that said she had already made a decision before she even spoke it aloud, Eilwen took flight again for a moment so she could perch herself on Gwynevere's back the same way the darker raven had landed on Artorias. "Well, that settles it! I'll stick around and help watch after you, sweetie. Eilwen, at your service!" She looked at the black feathered raven beside her with an amused stare, waiting to see his reaction. If a raven could grin she probably would.

"Gwyn" | "Eilwen" | think