
This Christmas I'll Burn It To The Ground!

Pack Takeover



4 Years

Promptober 2019
01-10-2021, 07:17 AM
Yurei was slowly reaching a point she haven't reached in ages. Her old friend the panic was getting into her chest, into her legs who wouldn't stop shaking, shivering. She wanted to run, to hide and pretend nothing happened, that this was just one of those bad dreams. But she was rigid, her legs didn't respond to her attempts to move. Her heart ponded faster and faster, eyes of pale green dilated in complete fear.

She barely could notice the rest of wolves who joined the gathering. Only Casso was noticed as she looked ah him as he embraced her. But she couldn't speak, any word wanted to come out. But what could she say? Whatever she said didn't matter, she didn't matter here. And now she felt hers and Casso's life was in danger, in the line of fire.

Ignis words managed to reach her ears , and the day he spoke to winter made her heart hurt. She wanted to leave but she will only If Casso did.

Then Tsunami started the first fight and that made Yurei even more scared. The home she knew was breaking. And due to the extreme fear she felt her eyes go black and in no time she just fainted, falling unconscious in the soil.
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.