
you gotta fight for your right to laze

Judas I


3 Years
01-10-2021, 12:14 PM
Clouse tail thumped hard on the earth with a happy glee, though even so in doing so, his sharp Archer eyes and nod gave way to his attentiveness as he listened to his father. Judas knew all and well about the thrill of traveling-learning new places, seeing new things, roughing about and stirring the locals. He would not let himself force his son to confines of pack life when Judas himself did not wish to do so. He only wanted to make sure that his kid was being as safe as he could be, granted life was far too unpredictable to control.

"I'm sure Scully will think he outsmarted us, but in reality he will be the last one to know what's going on. That mutt should know he wouldn't get far on his own when dragging one of my kids with him. Another small smirk and Judas reached his head out to nose his pup on the shoulder. When the bubble does burst on this, think about staying with us for the winter, hu? If Scully by then wants to sulk and stay on his own, thats fine by him. However Judas had no intention of letting his son freeze or starve to death. You be careful, alright? He said, lifting and stretching out his long legs. He was ready to dismiss himself and head back south if Clouse needed to return soon to post, lest his own traveling partners find out and decide to whisk Clouse off further from them.