
Like a thousand doves




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-10-2021, 04:42 PM

When Void responded to his disappointing news, Plague looked toward him again, finding his intringing blue and lavender gaze for a moment. He certainly appreciated the kind words Void gave him despite the fact that he had failed and he nodded quietly in response. The grin he was giving felt forced and perhaps someone less attuned to other's reactions or emotions might have not been able to pick up on that fact, but Plague saw though it. He frowned slightly, but didn't mention the observation. He lived much of his life in a practiced calmness and stillness when it came to his expressions and emotions just to keep himself from doing similar things, though it did feel far more difficult to do that around Void. The Destruction pulled his emotions to the surface weather he wanted them to be there or not - a fact that he was quickly beginning to realize as they spent more time together.

Plague felt a slight crease in his brow and another tug of a frown cross his features when Void admitted the guilt he felt. As much as he wanted to comfort the man and insist that he didn't need to feel any guilt over the situation, he did understand the emotion. Things that were out of his control often brought him some form of guilt. The "what ifs" of what could have been if he had acted differently, the feeling that he should be able to fix something and finding that he couldn't, the knowledge that he could have done more if he had just found a way to do so... It all accumulated in a sense of guilt. "I understand," he replied after a moment, their gazes meeting again.

"I'm not giving up," he insisted, the renewed determination showing in his expression. "We'll find them... Don't worry too much." He knew telling him not to worry would be impossible, but perhaps not worrying as much could be achieved. Even though he knew he had his own worries to be concerned about, he liked having a moment to push them aside and dedicate himself to lifting Void up. Having something to focus his energy on besides himself was oddly therapeutic and letting himself embrace that fluttering, twisting, heart racing emotion was freeing in a way he didn't expect.

With a shred of waning courage, Plague crossed the small distance between them gently brush his nose to the other man's cheek, bringing the bridge of his muzzle under Void's to lightly nudge it upward. "Keep your head up," he told him softly while trying to ignore the emotion came through on the tone of his voice without meaning for it to show its face.
