
Like a thousand doves




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-10-2021, 09:08 PM

When he followed his instincts to give the small, gentle affection to the star-marked man at his side, he wasn't really sure what to expect. He hadn't let himself overthink the action before he did it and for once just followed what his emotions were driving him to do. He was a little surprised but relieved when Void didn't pull away from the touch, instead seemingly enjoying the affection and drinking it in. The reaction made Plague's heart pound even more loudly in his chest and his once clear and distinct thoughts all blurred together into a cloud of emotion. That was only intensified when Void surprised him by draping a limb around his shoulders and pulling him close.

The motion caught him off guard and he blinked with surprise for a moment before slowly letting himself ease into the unexpected closeness. His ears folded back against his skull and his expression softened, his eyes closing as his head went to rest against the slightly taller man's chest and tucking his face into Void's neck. He always so focused on being strong and stoic, a pillar for others to rely on, that anything like this felt so out of what he thought his reality should be. This felt right. Everything he knew and what he expected from himself told him that it shouldn't, but he couldn't deny the peace that this closeness gave him and if he was able to offer Void a bit of comfort like this then that alone made it worth it.

He tried to not think too deeply about the feeling of Void's warmth against him and the feeling of their fur brushing together, but it was difficult to do that when his thoughts and emotions were already so short-circuited. After a while of indulging himself in Void's touch he finally lifted his head from his chest and brought his gaze back to the nearly iridescent eyes in front of him. His heart was beating as if he had just ran here from Ashen and as confused as he was about his emotions and feelings in that moment he was inclined to ignore all of that just to be able to enjoy this moment that he wasn't certain would come again.

Their muzzles were close enough together that he could feel Void's breath against his nose, but he was at a loss of what do to. He felt like he was being pulled into two different directions between what he wanted and what his duty called him to do - figuring out which side of him was stronger was difficult. He struggled to find words to say and ended up just searching Void's gaze for answers to questions that he couldn't quite form.
