
Ecclesiastes 7:1

Meet Tox Pups!



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-10-2021, 10:16 PM

Toxicity was finally ready for the world to see her four pups and for her pups to be baptized under God and receive their names. The bundles had to have grown tired of running around the shrine by now, but the outside was still harsh and cold while the interior of the shrine was heated and safe. They had been groomed extra careful today, though by now they must be used to the mother-tongue bath then Obi brush and perfume wax their fur into place. Each pup was becoming strong both physically and in their faith. They by now were used to their three daily prayers, though since it was still early, they had only done the first today. Usually they were just to listen to Toxicity and Obi as they prayed aloud, but after being anointed and accepted by God, they too would be able to utter the powerful words in the language of the gods.

Toxicity led each pup to a large fur rug in front of the shrine waters and were directed to sit still. Today they would meet the pack- friend and foe alike. They had been told they were godly beings within mortal shells and that many mortals lived among them, but to what extent they understood was still up in the air. Obi readied incense and an oiled, brightly pigmented mix of ochre which would mark the pups as their anointment. Lastly, he carried a vessel with a live crow for sacrificing and a small bowl to scoop water from the shrine. Once all the objects were lined up, he gave Toxicity the overhead.

Tox blanketed each pup with a fur, telling them to stay down for a moment to keep warm until they were revealed. There was intentionally enough space for them to peek out, but not enough for the participants to see them until she was ready. With that taken care of, Toxicity howled for the pack, but made the religious intention clear- anyone who came to contest the beliefs of Abraxas would be tossed out without mercy and Tox trusted Venom and Hattori could handle that without her ceremony being interrupted. Now all there was to do was wait.
