
Like a thousand doves




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-11-2021, 09:18 AM
Plague seemed just as confused as he felt, but he remained close even as Void touched his nose. The other man suddenly took on a look of shyness but the expression only made Void want to press further. The emotions and feeling that fluttered and flowed through his veins was unlike anything Void had felt before. Plague really did do something to him, but he struggled to comprehend what was happening. All he knew was the rightness of the feeling of Plague in his arms. The warmth of his closeness and the thrill of the intimacy they shared.

There was a warring peace and panic inside as his heart tried to beat out of his chest as he embraced the soft and airy feeling Plague caused in him. Slowly he worked through what he felt, that he wanted to stay here and hold onto the Abraxas man. He wanted to be closer, to know him better. As Plague tilted his features and their lips touched any semblance of sense left the ivory splashed man’s mind. A sudden blank slate as all of his focus was diverted to the feeling of his lips against Plague’s.

His own blue and lavender eyes slid close as that moment consumed him. Void aimed to hold Plague tighter as more defined emotions emerged and his insides felt like a whirlwind raging inside. The turmoil was real inside, but out the world stopped. His heart stopped and nothing mattered but the man in his arms. He hadn’t initiated the sweet kiss but he felt different as Plague pulled away. Void blinked back his bright lilac shaded eyes as he searched Plague’s expression.

He suddenly felt drained and empty as Plague pulled away, slipping from his grasp as he apologized and suddenly looked simply ashamed of himself. Void tried to take a step forward to follow his companion but stopped himself as Plague moved farther away. He remained silent, his gaze watching as Plague warred with himself. Void had seen the passion he’d felt in those endless green eyes and he couldn’t understand why he suddenly put distance between them when it seemed like being close was so perfect.

”What’s wrong?” He asked carefully, uncertain if he wanted the answer. Void wanted to return to those perfect moments they’d shared, but he felt like he only caused more turmoil for Plague. ”I didn’t mean… I wouldn’t want…” His heart went from feeling full and complete to shriveled and sickly as Plague’s whole demeanor changed. Void didn’t want to cause him harm like this. Had holding him, and indulging been a mistake? ”I’ll go.” He tried not to let the emotions shine through, but the confusion and worry returned to him tenfold.