
When The World Stops Turning



09-12-2013, 05:32 PM

"Symphony, Howl and Anthem all left and I wanted to see where they were going." It seemed like a simple enough answer, but it did nothing to keep them away from talk of family. It was a difficult subject to keep from, it was one of those few topics they both had in common. It seemed curiosity would bring her younger sibling to her, and she was glad for her sister's sense of adventure. She would have never realized the existence of younger siblings had the older ones never left. So even though their first meeting had been less than spectacular she knew that she had to thank them on some level.
What had caused them to follow her all this way? Had it been Cherokee seeking them out that had ultimately brought their presence to Alacritis? Until she talked to them more intimately she was sure she would have no idea. It was doubtful that her sister knew why it was they left. If it had been on a real scouting mission it didn't seem like the best idea to bring their brother. Maybe she'd never know. In any case the events had happened and their consequences were livable. Song was just excited to have her sister.
"Well, I'm glad you followed them. Would you like to see my new home?" She motioned towards the lands that stretched out behind her, she would try and take her by the den, and maybe see the children.
