
Like a thousand doves




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-11-2021, 04:59 PM
Knowing he’d been so close, and realizing the ease at which he could be affectionate with Plague, made watching pull away so much harder. Void could plainly see the conflict that boiled in Plague and he didn’t want to be the cause. Leaving now would have been the most difficult but perhaps the best option, but Plague stopped him. ”Whatever I can do..” He trailed off, hoping Plague knew he had no need to apologize. They were both thrown out into the deep water, neither with much guidance to look to for help with their plight. Plague didn’t loose his conflicted air but he turned around and returned to his place beside Void.

The Destruction refrained from leaning in, feeling himself just as lost with no idea where this had come from and why he was so suddenly wrapped up in one wolf. Why did he want so badly to just be here beside him, losing himself as his problems disappeared in his forest green gaze. ”Plague,” he tried to stop him as he repeated himself, insisting he didn’t want to harm the star spangled wolf. Void’s words were echoed back to him as Plague returned his muzzle to Void’s. He couldn’t help but lean into the touch as the euphoria returned and the pale Abraxas opened up further. Saying nothing that Void himself didn’t think the same. There was no one else he’d felt like this about before. He didn’t know the reason, and his emotions changed so swiftly he felt like he had no time to think about what anything meant anyway.

Void leaned into him slightly, pressing his cheek to Plague’s as he spoke about his conflict. Of godhood and the expectations that were placed on him. If this was.. The thoughts stopped him. Void wanted to be in Plague’s company he was drawn to him and meeting here on the cliffs to be next to him helped him retreat from his real life. Plague spoke hesitantly of mixing this magical world of their own for the reality that waited at home. Critical family that would be hard pressed to accept Void as the one Plague chose.

”I would rather have only some of you, than none.” He replied as he attempted to sort out everything laid before them. Void hadn’t yet had his fill of this strange path he’d found himself on with Plague. There was so much more to Plague he didn’t know yet, and they couldn’t be stopped when they’d only just begun. ”I couldn’t take you from your family, and... we’ll always have this place.” Void reminded him, hoping the proximity to Abaven would keep many packs from settling here so that statement might remain true. He aimed to nuzzle in softly, unwilling to venture further when there were still so many uncertainties before them. But Void couldn’t deny the draw of his warm fur.