
Like a thousand doves




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-11-2021, 05:40 PM

Plague's breath hung in his chest as Void's cheek pressed to his and he had to close his eyes against the force of the relief it gave. His kind words, his insistence that he wanted to have some part of him rather than none... It complicated things more, but it did wipe away some of the confusion. He knew what he wanted and as he sat with his cheek leaned into Void's he grew more certain of that by the minute. Being here, feeling like he could finally be himself - his true self - with Void was so overwhelming that he didn't know how to process it. It was so much more than he had ever expected to feel this kind of acceptance, this blessing that came in the form of Void's affection. He returned that nuzzle whole heartedly and mentally shoved away any outside influences or concerns. It was a temporary salve, but it was enough for now to just indulge in the sweetest temptation he could possibly imagine.

He pressed his face into Void's neck and lifted a paw to wrap a paw around the starry wolf, shifting himself closer to settle himself into Void's embrace once more. He held on to him tightly as a mix of relief, joy, and something else more akin to attraction and lust washed over him like a tsunami. He knew that if he was going to fully give himself over to this feeling and this attraction then he was going to have to come to terms with whatever that might mean for his relationship with his family. It wasn't fair for Void to be hidden away and not have a place in his life should he truly wish to be there. But for now... for now he could let himself indulge in this sinful life. He lifted his head from Void's neck again and brought his gaze to meet his once more for a moment before a slight grin pulled at his lips and he leaned forward to press a much more certain and firm kiss to the other male's muzzle. The claws of his paw that was resting on Void's back flexed and gripped at his fur while he lost himself in that moment, his eyes closing and any rational thought escaping his mind.

He didn't know how much time passed as he dove into exploring all these brand new sensations, figuring out the feeling of lips moving together, fur brushing against fur, and tongues tracing teeth. It all made his heart pound and for once he felt alive. Every nerve felt like it was on fire in the most delightful of ways. At some point without really realizing it they eased their way down onto the ground and when their lips parted he blinked open his eyes to find himself standing over Void, emerald eyes finding lavender tinted blue, and a deep, breathless chuckle left him as he grinned down at his star crossed lover. "Whatever happens... You're worth every moment of it," he breathed, gently pressing the tip of his nose to Void's.
