
Like a thousand doves




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-11-2021, 08:28 PM

This whole evening had been a whirlwind of emotions to the point where he could hardly keep them straight. The only thing he knew for certain was that he had Void and for now that was enough. He wanted the world and even though he didn't see a reality where he could have everything he wanted, he would at least find comfort in the fact that Void could be his world and he would have everything he ever wanted in him. Logically he knew that he was just caught up in the wild spin of new, fledgling love, but he never wanted to give up this feeling that he felt when he looked into Void's eyes. He had been swept off his feet by this man and now there was no turning back. Nothing was going to come between him and this addicting pleasure he got from the smallest affections.

His ears perked forward to listen to each of Void's whispered words and a twist of mixed emotions slipped through him. Void was right, family should be precious, but he also thought of what Toxicity had said to him - had they ever seen a normal family? He wanted them to be precious to him and to put them first above all else, but he was beginning to grow skeptical of the possibility that they would regard him the same way. In the span of a few evenings together, Void had already found his way to a priceless pedestal in his mind. If it was possible for this man to take such a notable space in his heart so easily, was it worth all the effort to try and win his family's affections? The longer he pondered the situation he was in the more questions built up without answers. The notion that Void was quickly considering him family brought the smile back to his face though and his expression softened when the star painted male said so. "I feel the same way for you," he replied, though he truly thought that perhaps the male might be more important to him than his own family.

Plague left another gentle kiss on Void's nose as well before carefully climbing off of Void so he could get off of the cold ground. "Sorry for getting you covered in snow," he mentioned with a slightly apologetic grin, though he would never say that he was sorry for how passionately he had kissed Void to get them into that position. "I'll be sure to bring some things to make it more comfortable out here next time." Next time. Next time. That thought alone was enough to make an excited flutter spin through him and a grin tug at his lips. He was going to get to see Void again and again. Selfishly he wished he could sweep Void away so they could live their lives out together, but for now he would let the excitement over their next meeting hold him over till then. The thought of leaving Void for any period of time was painful, but he knew he needed time to think and to figure out a plan. If he ever wanted their lives to more properly intertwine he would have to face his family and tell them the truth. "I'll be back soon. I'm not sure I could bare to be away from you any longer than necessary."
