
Honey, I'm Home!

for Theory



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
01-11-2021, 08:36 PM
Thalia wasn't totally sure how Theory would respond to her honesty, but then again she didn't understand the full depths of what such an alliance meant. What it meant to be tied to the Abraxas, and what exactly they were capable of. Part of her feared what Theory would say if she knew the depths of her faith and her loyalty to her family. Perhaps she understood the latter, but it was hard to imagine Theory understanding the former. It seemed inevitable that this was all too good to be true, even as Theory seemed to agree with what she'd been saying. Arguing with her didn't seem to do any good, not when Thalia herself wasn't sure the extremes she'd go to for her family. It was hard to imagine a situation where her family loyalty would hurt Theory, but...

She knew it was still a possibility, and a very real one at that. "Eligos is the first leader I've known to give my family a real vision. Hiding away in Auster did nothing for us. Our greatness.. demands otherwise." Would Theory think she was being facetious? She certainly wasn't. Thalia took a steady breath, wondering if it was possible things would work out as easily as Theory made them seem like they could. Here she could do the things Theory was afraid of, to help Abaven; Thalia knew more than anything she cared for her family and what they thought of her. Thalia could no doubt prove valuable to her, she was sure of it. "And why me?" She asked after a moment of thought. "Could you truly.." Love. That was the word, but it seemed to heavy to spill quite yet. "Hold affections for me?" That word seemed a safer one, the same way Theory had said it. "There is so much you don't know about me and the Abraxas," she breathed finally, curling a bit tighter against her, feeling protected by the fog that still hung heavy over them and blanketed them from any prying eyes.